Current Price: $275 thru May 31, 2025
Registration Is Open
Sign up to attend Hitchhike Across the Galaxy, the 42nd IAGSDC Convention. We’re very excited to have the convention return to San Francisco for the 4th time.
Your registration fee includes:
- Opening Ceremonies
- Grand March
- Lots of dancing to 13 terrific callers
- Banquet on Saturday night, July 5th
- Brunch on Sunday morning, July 6th
- Closing Ceremonies
- Commemorative SWAG
- Convention Pin
- …and much more!!

Lucky 50
Thru July 15, 2023
Thru December 31, 2023
Thru July 7, 2024
Thru December 31, 2024
Thru May 31, 2025
June 1, 2025 or Later
Thru May 31, 2025
June 1, 2025 or Later
First Time IAGSDC Attendee*
Thru May 31, 2025
How do I qualify for this special rate?
To qualify for this discounted rate, Hitchhike Across the Galaxy must be the first IAGSDC convention you have ever attended. When registering online, select “Dancer (special)” as the registration type.

We will validate whether you qualify against the convention attendance database. Once we confirm you qualify for the discount, we will approve your registration and you can then pay the discounted rate of $175.
This discount is a program of All Join Hands who will subsidize your registration fee at the prevailing rate when you registered.
How to Register
You can register for the convention using any of the following methods but Online registration is preferred since it captures more of your details in the IAGSDC database such as your current email address, mailing address, phone number, IAGSDC club membership, and which programs you dance. If you have an existing profile on the IAGSDC website, we cannot edit any of your existing information for you. If we need to create a profile for you, we can only enter your name and email address.
Preferred Method
Online via the IAGSDC website
NOTE: If you have ever attended any IAGSDC convention, you definitely have a profile on the IAGSDC website. Please do not create a new account! Reach out for help if needed.
- Log into the IAGSDC website at
- If you forgot your password, click on Request new password
- If you have no profile, click on Create new account
- Update your profile information by using the menu at the top to navigate to MEMBERS > MY PROFILE; then click on Change your email and other contact information to edit your email, address, phone, dance level, dietary restrictions and allergies, and other details
- Make sure you scroll to the bottom and click the SAVE CONTACT button
- Use the menu at the top to navigate to EVENTS > LIST EVENTS (REGISTER HERE)
- Scroll down to find Hitchhike Across the Galaxy in the list of events and click the Register link
- Specify who the registration is for
- Myself – you are registering yourself
- Linked profile – you have linked your profile with another user in the IAGSDC system and want to register them
- Guest who does NOT have an IAGSDC profile – please make certain the person does not already have an existing profile in the IAGSDC system before you add them. Enter their first name, last name, and email address.
NOTE: the email address defaults to your email so make sure to update it with the correct email for the person you are registering
- Select your preferred banquet entree
- Click the SAVE REGISTRATION button
Other Methods
Fillable PDF
- Open this fillable PDF registration form in your browser
- Fill in the form fields on the PDF
- Save the completed PDF form to your computer
- Email the completed PDF form to
- Choose one of the payment options to the right to complete your registration
Paper Form
- Open this PDF registration form in your browser
- Print out the PDF by clicking the “Print” icon
- Fill out the printed form with your information
- Scan the completed form as a .jpg, .png, .pdf, or other image format
- Email the scanned form to
How to Pay
You can register for the convention using any of the following methods but Online registration is preferred since it captures more of your details in the IAGSDC database such as your current email address, mailing address, phone number, IAGSDC club membership, and which programs you dance. If you have an existing profile on the IAGSDC website, we cannot edit any of your existing information for you. If we need to create a profile for you, we can only enter your name and email address.
Preferred Methods
If your US bank account supports Zelle, you can enroll using either your email address or phone number. Once enrolled, you can send money directly from your bank account to others using their email address or phone number.
Send Zelle payments to:
Please include a memo stating it is for registration and the attendee’s name.
Check or Money Order
Good old fashioned paper always works! US Dollars only, please.
Pay to the Order Of: Hitchhike Across the Galaxy
Mail to:
Hitchhike Across the Galaxy
c/o Michael Levy
4400 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Other Methods
Send payment to: @hatg2025
- Log into the IAGSDC website
- Use the menu at the top to navigate to EVENTS > MY REGISTRATIONS
- Scroll down to find your Hitchhike Across the Galaxy registration and click the yellow PayPal Checkout button under that event
- Follow the PayPal instructions to complete your payment
Transfers, Cancellations, & Fees
- Transfers
Registrations can be transferred to another person without fee* before June 1, 2025. Please contact and provide the new person’s information.
* The Lucky 50 who paid only $150 in Ottawa will incur a $25 transfer fee.
- Cancellations
Registrations can be cancelled before June 1, 2025. A $25 processing fee will apply. Please contact to initiate a cancellation.
NOTE: No transfers, cancellations, or refunds will be allowed as of June 1, 2025
- Transfers
All tours are transferrable without fee.
- Cancellations
All tours can be cancelled before June 1, 2025 except Fun Badge Tour which is non-refundable. A $10 processing fee per tour will be deducted from the refund.
All sales are final. No cancellations or refunds.